do i claim 0 or 1 on taxes

How much should I claim on my taxes? 0, 1, or 2? - Yahoo! Answers.
What is your total salary? Are you a dependent of your parents? Single 0 withholds more tax than Single 1. Give us the additional info and I can tell.
Feb 26, 2011. My wife and I both claimed 0 at work and we owe $711 to the state of CA. How is this possible? 1 Answer. Can a person with no income file married filing separately and claim one of the children as a dependent? If my wife.
So my question is, is there any financial benefit in claiming 0 dependents, or should I still claim 1? Since W4 is too short for a search, I don't.
do i claim 0 or 1 on taxes
Just got a job should i write 0 or 1 for deductions? - Yahoo! Answers.What should a single person with no children claim on his W4 form.
How can two married, jointly filing taxpayers each claim 0.
or single 1.. The people above who say you should claim 0 are mostly. claim 1 , check out to see more answers to tax related.
Does 0 mean i get more later in the year.. You should claim 0 or 1.. If you're still a dependent on your parent's tax return, you should claim.
I feel like we should be getting money back, I have tried 3 different programs. you both filed "0"; you have mortgage and property tax deductions.. if you claim "0" or… will i get more money if i claim 2 on my w2 instead of 1.
do i claim 0 or 1 on taxes
What number should I claim? - Yahoo! Answers.
Why do we owe taxes despite claiming a '0' on our - TurboTax.
On a W-4, on allowances what do you claim for the least amount of.
W4 Witholdings - Married, need help with choosing - TurboTax.
How much will taxes take out of my weekly paycheck? - Yahoo! Answers.
How many dependents should I claim on my W4? - Straight Dope.
Sep 17, 2011. Right now I have filed "0" on my W4 and my wife has filed "1". She is. On W4 can I claim my child as a dependent and for the child tax credit?
I know claiming one would result in more money in my paychecks. If you changed from 1 to 0 and your paychecks went up by more than the $1500 annually, you would end up owing. Ideally, we should all try to break even.
Why do I owe so much on my taxes when I claim 0 an…. I put my information into the tax program and I have a refund and. 100 Vote.
I claim 1. I never do 0 anymore because they take out more taxes. i would rather have that extra $$ in my paycheck than 1 day out of the year in April. Plus we.
If I am single do I put "0" or "1" on my W-4 Form, if I don't want to owe taxes.? If you're not a dependent, claiming 0 will result in too much tax.
I'm not married with one child. I live with my child's father (still. Your choice and your decision that you will have to accept the responsibility for at.